Sewing To Do List 2014
Learn to make piping
Learn to sew a work blouse/shirt
Learn to make button holes
Hidden Stars quilt
Alexander McQueen tweed skirt
Wool work shift dress (and jacket?)
At least two work blouses
Alter shirts for work
Forest friends quilt for A
Forest friends quilt for M
Finish Snowflake wall hanging for TQQ
Cream ruby silk slip
Green chiffon slip
All of these projects are things for which I already have the fabrics so, hopefully, all I will have to buy is things like buttons, lining and interfacing. Unfortunately, my obsession with textures and silky things will probably result in me buying all sorts of things that aren't on the list. Luckily, my new job means that I'll be working a lot so hopefully the lack of time will curb my spending.
Me x